Thursday, February 16, 2012

Watch it grow...39 weeks!

How far along? 39 weeks!
Size of Baby: About the same as last week...right at her birth weight.
Total weight gain/loss:Down 1lb from last week at the Dr. on Tuesday! I knew that that 3lbs last week wasn't too accurate! So that makes total weight gain right at 25lbs.
Maternity clothes? Can't wait for my new Spring wardrobe! :-) My friend Meredith brought me an extra copy of her InStyle Magazine this week and it has made me even more excited about buying some new things for Spring.
Best moment this week:I had to be hooked up the monitor on Tuesday when I went to my check up because when the nurse checked her heartbeat with the doppler it was 160 which was a bit high so they just wanted to hook me up for about 20 mins. So I got to lay there and listen to her sweet little heartbeat for about 20 minutes. Turns out the nurse had just caught her when she was moving so that was why her heartbeat was a bit high. On the monitor she was averaging right where she should be, between 135 and 140.
Worst Moment: Still the sleep! :-( Getting just a bit harder to get comfortable as the days go on and I really hate waking up in the middle of the night because then I don't feel so great the next day. However, I am productive when I do get up.... wash clothes, cleaning out drawers, etc. Bella HATES it when I am up disrupting her sleep!
Symptoms: Still the exact same as last week as far as what MM is doing. My back is hurting a bit more now and my legs seem just to feel "heavy" but other than that I can't complain too much and it this point, I consider that a huge blessing!

I go back to Dr. next Tuesday where we will do an ultrasound to check her levels of amniotic fluid. At this point those levels can get low and if that is the case, they will induce I guess later that day or on Wednesday but if levels are still up and nothing else has changed, he will give me until the 27th to go into labor on my own and if I don't, then 27th will be the day! So we shall see...
Miss Anything? Nothing this week... I know my time is limited so I am just soaking up every moment. (although, I am ready for her to come whenever she decides!)
Movement: She is still a little stretcher. And I swear sometimes it feels like her knees or feet are directly under my rib cage. I have to lie down to get her to move positions.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really but I don't really have an appetite and if I don't eat then I feel a bit sick. So I just have to make myself eat.
Have you started to show yet?: Large and in charge!
Gender : GIRL! Mary-Miller Dunlap Baker
What is Baby Baker up to?
Not much has changed from last week, all her internal organs are ready to support her in the outside world, she's developed healthy amounts of baby fat over the past week, her immune system is developing and will continue to develop after she is born.
In other Baker News....
Just keeping myself  busy these days and trying to rest. All laundry is caught up, house cleaned, drawers cleaned out, hospital bags packed... we are just waiting on MM to get here!

And my "due date buddy" had her precious little boy last week, February 11th. It is so weird for me to still be pregnant and her not. We basically had daily check ins with each other which was so nice to "compare notes".  Come on MM... Will has almost been with us a week! We gotta catch up!

Here's hoping we have a baby before the 40 week update! :-)

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